Webinar Test



Your Battery Questions Answered

BAE Battery joins the Morningstar Team to thoroughly examine and answer questions about common “rules of thumb” concerning lead acid and lithium batteries in off-grid applications.  Join this February 20th, 2pm webinar to learn more about the “fine print” in datasheets, manuals, and other sources that you need to read to really understand:

  • Depth of Discharge effects on battery life
  • Temperature effects on battery performance
  • Recommended Days of Autonomy
  • Recharge rates
  • How to choose among Lithium and AGM, Gel, and Flooded Lead Acid batteries for your application

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All Times in US Eastern Time



Morningstar Solar Charge Controllers & Inverters

Is your system less-than-perfect? Ultimately, the health of your batteries will tell you that. But that’s a hard and expensive way to learn! Instead, learn how choosing the right solar charge controller up-front can make or break your off-grid system.

This webinar is conducted each month to introduce individuals to Morningstar and off-grid solar. It is also appropriate for experienced professionals who are looking for a refresher, or to have their pressing questions answered by one of our engineers. Attend this webinar to receive One NABCEP CE credit and  learn about:

  • Battery charging stages
  • Differences between PWM and MPPT controllers
  • Effects of oversizing PV arrays
  • Efficiency variations with output power
  • Electronic and environmental protections
  • The latest charge controller and off-grid inverter features, capabilities and accessories
  • Bluetooth mobile apps and communications
  • LiveView 2.0 dashboard for remote monitoring and interactive system setup, programming, and modification

Register Now

All Times in US Eastern Time

Past Recorded Webinars

Solar Lighting Applications and Training

Russell Borum, Sr. Account Manager with Morningstar shares his experience working on solar lighting applications throughout the world. During the webinar you will learn about: Different applications of solar lighting, choosing the right charge controller and programming an MPPT controller for lighting.

Update on Morningstar’s TriStar MPPT 600V Solar Charge Controller and GFPD

This recorded webinar provides information about Morningstar’s TriStar MPPT 600V Charge Controller and Ground Fault Protection Device including: Efficiency ratings and product specifications, Reliability and quality factors that differentiate Morningtar’s products from others, MODBUS communications, Best practices concerning ground fault protection, and Use Cases. The Q&A session at the end of the webinar featured lively discussions about alternatives to AC coupling, ground fault detection, and string sizing.

TriStar MPPT Training Program

Due to popular demand and much interest from our customers, we opened up our training archive … This in-depth webinar training module highlights the technological advantages and benefits of Morningstar’s advanced TriStar MPPT charge controllers. Check it out for yourself.

Morningstar SunSaver-Gen3 Solar Charge Controller Webinar

For Off-Grid Installations … When Reliability & Performance Matter … From the more load sensitive Telecom & Instrumentation Systems, to the most environmentally harsh installations of Industrial Oil, Gas & Marine Systems—Morningstar’s SunSaver Solar Charge Controllers are the Proven Choice.