What is TAA Compliance and Do Morningstar Products Qualify? – 6/1/2024

Recently, we have received a lot of questions about compliance with the U.S. Trade Agreements Act (TAA) and whether Morningstar products qualify.

The Trade Agreements Act was created to:

  1. Approve and implement the trade agreements negotiated under the Trade Act of 1974 [19 U.S.C. 2101 et seq.]
  2. Foster the growth and maintenance of an open world trading system
  3. Expand opportunities for the commerce of the United States in international trade
  4. Improve the rules of international trade and to provide for the enforcement of such rules, and for other purposes.*

TAA compliance means that a product was made in any of the following countries:

  • World Trade Organization Government Procurement Agreement Countries
  • Free Trade Agreement Countries
  • Least Developed Countries
  • Caribbean Basin Countries

Please note that TAA compliant countries exclude China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Malaysia, Pakistan, Russia, SriLanka, and some others. 

As I write this blog post, Morningstar’s Professional Series and Integrated Series charge controller products are TAA compliant and we don’t anticipate any manufacturing changes in the near future that would alter this. 

Many government agencies, NGO’s and some private sector companies are required to purchase TAA compliant products.  Moreover, many customers and partners associate TAA compliance with ethical and responsible business practices.  If you need such verification, please check the specifications section on our product webpages or contact us.


* 19 USC Ch. 13: TRADE AGREEMENTS ACT OF 1979 (house.gov)